- Earth's Most Useful Starter Kit for Arduino. 52+ pieces including the Arduino-compatible Uno R3 and ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Development Board. All components are soldered. If not just contact us and we will send you a soldered version.
- Build wireless projects with the HC-05 Bluetooth Module and the ESP8266 Wi-Fi Modules
- All-in-one bundle with extra accessories and free access to the AR Dropbox Cloud including PDF guide files & tutorial links to help you get started quickly
- Technical/customer support with free replacement guarantee on all parts. Comes in a 13" x 10" durable organizer tool box for safe transport and storage
Micro package with everything you need to get serious with programming electronics and exploring the Arduino system. Fully-loaded discovery bundle for building unlimited projects and ideas.
Micro Includes:
Arduino-compatible UNO R3
ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Development Board
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
ESP8266 Wifi Module
RC522 RFID Kit
IR Remote Kit
UNO R3 Protoshield
4x4 Membrane Keypad
1602 LCD w/ i2C Backpack
Ultrasonic Range Sensor
Sound Sensor
PIR Motion Sensor
Impact Switch Sensor
IR Flame Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
MQ3 Alcohol Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
Rain Level Sensor
GY521 3-Axis Gyro & Accelerometer Module
DS3231 Real Time Clock Module
Rotary Encoder Module
1 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix Display
5V DC Hobby Motor
5g Servo
5V DC Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
9V 1A Power Supply
5V 1-Channel Relay Module
Piezo Buzzer
700-Point Breadboard
PS2 Joystick
Shift Register
L239D Motor Driver
NPN Transistor
9V Battery Connector
USB Flash Storage
2x Photoresistor
2x Ceramic Disk Capacitor
1N4004 Diode
30x Resistor (100R, 220R, 1K, 4.7K, 10K, 47K,100K,1M)
3x LED White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
6x Breadboard Button
2x Potentiometer (10K, 100K)
2x 3-Pin Slider Switch
2x 40-Pin Male Header
40x Female-Male Jumper Wires
40x Male-Male Jumper Wires
Organizer Tool Box
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