Ridgehacks 2020 - Kickoff your new year with a hack!

Goliath Automation & RoboticsBringing hackers together at Ridgehacks 2020

The Ridge High School Computer Science Club will organize the 2nd annual Hackathon - Ridgehacks 2020 at the Ridge Performing Arts Center in New Jersey on the 4th of April this year.  This event is friendly and favorable Hackathon dedicated to all students from middle-school through college.

What is a Hackathon? Here's a short video from

A Hackhaton is an event where computer programmers, engineers, designers and pretty much anyone who is interested gather to solve a problem and build a working software/hardware by the end of the event...all within a short amount of time.

It is interesting to see what ideas can be found and created when there is a time constraint - something magical about human nature when they put their minds to it.

Most schools, universities and even companies around the world host Hackathons as a way to quickly come up with valuable ideas and solutions to problems. 

Ridgehacks 2020

There are no costs (YES FREE) for this event and each participant will traditionally receive some swag as reminder of the interesting times spent sharing and developing ideas together. All students are welcomed to join this event, regardless of their past experience in computer science or programming - you can even just come and hang out. We believe everybody has something within them to contribute so even if you're not a programmer, there's always something you can bring to the table!

You can register for the Ridgehacks 2020 Hackathon on their website.

If you have experience and want to  contribute, feel free to sign upn up to volunteer or be a mentor and share your skills!


Although the participant travel expenses are not covered by Ridgehacks, you do have a chance winning the Execute Big's Travel Grant and attend the event while having your travel costs covered.

At Ridgehacks 2020, each team is composed of up to four members and you can also get support from the Ridgehacks organization during the team creation process. During competition, Ridgehacks 2020 has a tradition of helping opposing teams who are in need of fresh ideas or even stuck on solving a problem.

Teams and individuals share experiences and ideas with the other participants, learn from each other, thrive together and get awarded for their working results. The moderators and mentors who are involved also play a key role in spreading a creative and friendly atmosphere among attenders.

The Ridgehacks 2020 schedule is organized with convenient and all-inclusive content fully packed for a creative and inspiring day. It will be a very busy 14 hours filled with exciting activities bringing new creative ideas that will be implemented and shared with everyone attending the event  - along with fun and games and as well as a GitHub workshop.


8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Check In

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Opening Ceremony

9:00 AM

Hacking Starts

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


10:00 AM

Smash Tournament Starts

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

GitHub Workshop

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Cup Stacking

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

MLH Localhost Website Design

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM


9:00 PM

Hacking Ends

9:15 PM - 9:45 PM


10:00 PM - 10:45 PM

Demos & Closing Ceremony


You never know what you can learn by hanging around other people who are passionate about hacking and building ideas. The worlds next big idea may be lurking somewhere in Ridgehacks 2020!

GAR is a proud sponsor of Ridgehacks 2020.

Contact the Ridgehacks 2020 team at team@ridgehacks.us to be a sponsor.

Quote of the month:

A game is a series of interesting choices - Sid Meier

We do not own the rights to images/videos used in this article.




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