Project Athena - Advancing robotics and STEM through the youth
Advancing development of robotics through the youth by proudly giving one Monster Kit per week to any institution looking to expand their robotics program.
Our friends so far - seamless web of deserved trust..
Since the launch of this Project Athena in 2019, we are extremely super proud to have helped the institutions below...and the list grows every week!
KIPP Adalante Preparatory Academy - San Diego
KIPP Los Angeles
Visions of Science - Toronto, Canada
River Hill High School Makerspace in Maryland
Carnegie Vanguard High School Computer Science Club in Texas.
Sonoran Schools Inc. in Arizona
Alhambra High School, USC Division
Goodwin College, East Hartford, Connecticut
Ridge High School - Ridgehacks 2020
California Institute of Mathematics & Science
McMichael STEM Program, McMichael High School in North Carolina
Wapato High School Robotics & Engineering Club in Washington
Somerville High School FRC Team - Team 102 The GearHeads
Warwick Robotics New York - First Tech Challenge
Marco Antonio Firebaugh High School
Santa Cruz High School
Christ Our Savior Lutheran High School
Cape Coral High School
Leon Engineering
Palo Alto Downtown Child Center
California State University
Rajendra Family Automation & Learning
Nicholas Carr - allowing disabled people to fly drones
Merced Adult School, Connecticut
Owens Family
Callahan Family/Union Street Charter
Tuttle Family
Driver Family
Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School
Lloyd Family - homeschooling kids
Mosley Family/Club Scout Pack
Wilson Homeschool Academy
McKenzie Family
Dr. Ted Uyeno
Middleton Family
Hudson Family
Camillus Robotics Club
Dan Hoover, Arduino Facebook Group
The Marvel Family
The Yarbrough Family
Robert H. Goddard High School
Long Beach Washington Middle School
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Rutgers University School of Engineering
Austin Peay State University
Castillo Family
LANDON JACOBS Youtube Channel
Austin Elementary School
Camp HSR robotics project
Houser Family
Day Spring Academy
Homeschool Armeau
PeddieHacks Hackathon 2021
Kattimani Robotics
Roaring Fork Academy
Waldrip Family
Gonzalez Family
Russo Family
Din Homeschool, New Harvest Co-Op
Beyond Code Hackathon
Cox Family
Dario Castelluccio
Todd Giles
Onehacks Hackathon
Cathedral Community School
BU Hack India
University of Alabama Robotics
Robert C. Byrd High School
McDonald Family
University of Utah, Learning Through Robotics
Hudson Family
Wichita State University Robotics
Manoj Tripathi Family
Holton Public Schools Robotics
Rowan University, Mechanical Eng. Dept.
Lakeland Community College
Green Charter School
Bostic/Shade Families
Ficken Family Classical Homeschool
Punta Cana International School
Quellie Hacks - Solo Hacker Winner - Ankit Chawala
Nutter Aboytes Family - Homeschooling & Youth Group
Danush Eashwar - Solo Hack Winner - STEM Warrior Hacks
Highlander Engineering Challenge (Canada)
Cal Poly Pomona Robotics Club
614 Electronics - Electronic Repair Company in Galloway, OH
Cullman Area Technical Academy
Dhruve Hegde
Aravind Harinarayanan - Winner Hacker of Futurist Fest 2021 (India)
The Hunt Family
Colorado Mesa University 3D Printing Club
The Marut Family
The Galloway School
Bard High School Early College
Valley Academy (Homeschool)
Blackdog Foundation
Ward Homeschool
Gigantic Prints
Coral Reef to Classroom
Stephano Chatham
UC Berkeley/UC Irvine
Smith Family
High Tech Hacks 2.0
Caritas Homeschool Parish Ministry
NHACKS Hackathon
Daniell Middle School
Educate Hacks
Morris Family Rocket Launch Control
Hack The Woodz
Granbury ISD Science Research Club
San Elijo Middle School
High Tech High School
Gwyneth Family
Team Cyber Optimus
Martz-Kohl Observatory / Marshall Martz Astronomical Association
DuPrey Family
BSA Troop 726
Pensacola High School Engineering Club
LMG After School Robotics
TreasureHacks 2.0
Dalton Academy
California State University, Long Beach
Margavich Explore
Meso Hacks 2022
Travis Burns
Corey Mesa Agriculture
Mike Notaranicola
Baton Rouge Astronomical Society
The Lemm Clan
Andy Miller
STDL Hacks Hackathon
Highlander Engineering
American Corner
University of Alabama Mechanical Engineering
Auburn University SCORE
BK Makerspace
Third Eye for the Blind
Peddie Hacks Hackathon
Educate Hacks 2023 Hackathon
Treasure Hacks 2023 Hackathon
Maple Hacks 2023 Hackathon
RidgeHacks 2023 Hackathon
Steam Kids Rocklin
MEGA Hackathon
Bergamot Academy
The Grove Educational Cooperative
Briana Givens
Stephanie Goestch
Yokomi Science and Technology Elementary School
Broomfield High School Engineering Club
Grande Innovation Academy
The Calloway Family
Incarnate Word Academy, Medusa Robotics
Lisa G, First Robotics Alamogordo
STEAM Leadership Training Program
Norview Middle School, Tech Tronics
Applewood Academy
FRC Team 2421 RTR Robotics
All Inclusive Hacks
Grace Homeschool
Jam Hack Six
EMP Hackfest
Ignition Hacks
Peddie Hacks 2023
TreasureHacks 3.0
Rhythm Hacks
Hyphen Hacks
Boston Public Schools
Tallahassee Area Homeschool Hub
Meadow Street Academy
Team Quadra FTC Robotics
Metcalf Homeschool
Harper Homeschool
Graff Homeschool
Girls Who Code Club - Clarendon High School
Northside Elementary STEM Club
Wood County Christian School
Urban Adventures 4-H
Cornerstone Academy Middle School
Liberty Middle School
Burgin Independent School
Stone Valley Community Charter School
All Inclusive Hacks 2023
Graham Homeschool
Franklin Family Homeschool
Roberson Academy
The Monster Kit offers a wide variety of Arduino components that can be very useful for your projects and learning.
Do not worry...the Monster and GAR is here to support you - just like the Titan below!

Here is a parts list for the Monster Kit.
Arduino-compatible NANO V3
Arduino-compatible UNO R3
Arduino-compatible MEGA 2560
ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Development Board
ESP8266 NodeMCU
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
ESP8266 Wifi Module
W5100 Ethernet Shield
2x NRF24L01 Wireless Transceiver Module
RC522 RFID Kit
IR Remote Kit
UNO R3 Protoshield
4x4 Membrane Keypad
1602 LCD w/ i2C Backpack
Ultrasonic Range Sensor
Sound Sensor
PIR Motion Sensor
Impact Switch Switch Sensor
Photo Interrupter Sensor
GY68 Barometric Pressure Sensor
Line Tracking Sensor
IR Flame Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Vibration Sensor
IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
MQ3 Alcohol Sensor
MQ9 Combustible Gas Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
Rain Level Sensor
GY521 3-Axis Gyro & Accelerometer Module
ISD1820 Voice Recording Module
DS3231 Real Time Clock Module
Rotary Encoder Module
Laser Diode Module
1 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix Display
5V DC Hobby Motor
5g Servo
5V DC Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
9V 1A Power Supply
5V 1-Channel Relay Module
USB Charger Doctor
Piezo Buzzer
700-Point Breadboard
PS2 Joystick
Shift Register
L239D Motor Driver
NPN Transistor
9V Battery Connector
16G USB Storage
2x Photoresistor
2x Ceramic Disk Capacitor
1N4004 Diode
30x Resistor (100R, 220R, 1K, 4.7K, 10K, 47K,100K,1M)
3x LED White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
6x Breadboard Button
2x Potentiometer (10K, 100K)
2x 3-Pin Slider Switch
2x 40-Pin Male Header
40x Female-Male Jumper Wires
40x Male-Male Jumper Wires
40x Female-Female Jumper Wires
Arduino-compatible UNO R3
Arduino-compatible MEGA 2560
ESP32 WiFi + Bluetooth Development Board
ESP8266 NodeMCU
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
ESP8266 Wifi Module
W5100 Ethernet Shield
2x NRF24L01 Wireless Transceiver Module
RC522 RFID Kit
IR Remote Kit
UNO R3 Protoshield
4x4 Membrane Keypad
1602 LCD w/ i2C Backpack
Ultrasonic Range Sensor
Sound Sensor
PIR Motion Sensor
Impact Switch Switch Sensor
Photo Interrupter Sensor
GY68 Barometric Pressure Sensor
Line Tracking Sensor
IR Flame Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor
Vibration Sensor
IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
MQ3 Alcohol Sensor
MQ9 Combustible Gas Sensor
Soil Moisture Sensor
Rain Level Sensor
GY521 3-Axis Gyro & Accelerometer Module
ISD1820 Voice Recording Module
DS3231 Real Time Clock Module
Rotary Encoder Module
Laser Diode Module
1 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display
MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix Display
5V DC Hobby Motor
5g Servo
5V DC Stepper Motor + ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
9V 1A Power Supply
5V 1-Channel Relay Module
USB Charger Doctor
Piezo Buzzer
700-Point Breadboard
PS2 Joystick
Shift Register
L239D Motor Driver
NPN Transistor
9V Battery Connector
16G USB Storage
2x Photoresistor
2x Ceramic Disk Capacitor
1N4004 Diode
30x Resistor (100R, 220R, 1K, 4.7K, 10K, 47K,100K,1M)
3x LED White, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue
6x Breadboard Button
2x Potentiometer (10K, 100K)
2x 3-Pin Slider Switch
2x 40-Pin Male Header
40x Female-Male Jumper Wires
40x Male-Male Jumper Wires
40x Female-Female Jumper Wires
If you would like to support us in giving more Monsters to more schools and students, we welcome your help.
There are many schools and students who are eager to learn robotics but do not have ample resources to do so. We can all make a difference and help each other.
Lets move forward together.
Greetings! Looks like you are booked into 2024 but we would love to placed on a wait list for a robotics kit if possible.
Name of school/institution/club: IDEA Homeschool/SE Robotics Club
Project name(what is the kit going to be used for): to expand the experience and abilities of the club members.
Name of receiver/person in charge (preferably instructor): Emma Deats
Address for shipment (school address): IDEA, 8800 Glacier Hwy, Suite 217, Juneau Alaska 99801
Contact number: 907 209 5363
Contact email:
Thank you for your consideration! Emma Deats
I would be interested in your free kit.
Our STEM Homeschool class would love to do this!
This is by far the most genuine electronic company ever!!!! I have bought other kits from various companies and I can ensure you that, every time, the quality was not worth the price. Soon as I received my kit from Goliath Automation & Robotics, surely enough, I saw superior quality. From the storage box, it arrived, to the clean, crisp electronics in each individual wrapper, I just knew. You will definitely feel like a respected customer because they will make feel appreciated for purchasing with them! I am excited and privileged to have the potential to use Goliath Automation & Robotics for my future endeavors. Thank you!
Hello! I came across this on your website. I am not sure how you can afford to give away a robotics kit every week! I am really hoping this is true!!! I am going to send my info to you anyhow and hope for the best!
Name of school/institution/club: Beca Lloyd Wood, Camillus Robotics Club
Project name(what is the kit going to be used for): our Robotics club only has small kits, this will definitely be put to use!
Name of receiver/person in charge (preferably instructor):Beca Lloyd Wood
Address for shipment (school address): 4 Huntington Lane,
Camillus, NY 13031
Contact number:315-677-1031
Contact email:
Thank you sincerely!
Beca Lloyd Wood